Yard sketches and paintings done while sheltering-in-place these last few months due to the Plague.
Click on image to enlarge.

coob aselfpatch norporch1 norporch2 musicroom anap ayard1 ayard2 ayard3 ayard4 ayard5 ayard6 ayard7 ayard8 ayard9 ayard10

Paintings arranged by size
Largest paintings, various sizes ranging from 60 to 96 inches
coob rockbed tbold
stormspine topnook glow carpet
rockwolf dusting dlake floor stonefalls

Paintings 60 inches height x 48 inches width
cabsnow sunbee autumnpath falltopb falltop hogback

Paintings 48 inches height x 60 inches width
cabrwd lakespring2 lakespring green2
libhill horne patlakeshore2 ripway
darkwoods springrock meltpat hangrock
fallcranny2 topnook2 stacked prissyridge dormatlake
rodgers snowpatch

Paintings (approximate size range) 50 inches height x 42 inches width
roanbranch noonarrow

Paintings 48 inches height x 48 inches width
hredge yellowbr springledge horne2 outcrop
patlakeshore3 rivercliff

Paintings 48 inches height x 36 inches width
rainybeech3 slide whiteoak wolflight neighfield deadfall2

Paintings 40 inches height x 50 inches width
snowspot libhill2

Paintings 36 inches height x 48 inches width
sring lilpines2

Paintings 36 inches height x 36 inches width
house hroutcrop
perched toprock2

Paintings 30 inches height x 40 inches width
patlakeshore4 rightlake falltapestry5 climbing

Paintings 32 inches height x 32 inches width

© 2013 Jeremiah Miller All Rights Reserved.
This website, including all images and text, are Copyright 2013 by Jeremiah Miller.
For personal on-line review only